Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Several friends were very struck with Piper and his challenges at the EMA this year for us to be risk takers as gospel ministers. He's right. Risk is right. "Fear not; you can only be killed." (Part 2, part 3)

We are so lacking in boldness as God's people. So unwilling to try anything new. Why is that? (Please send your thoughts).

Von Goethe said:
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
I like that.
I especially like it when his people take real risks for Jesus. They do things (many of them small, noticeable on a daily basis) that show obedient passion for God's cause and glory, knowing that losing their life is finding it.
I especially don't like it when we talk of risk and yet our lives are just safe and lacking in any real danger. (nb "radical Christianity"- a well overused phrase).

Risk is right.
So get off that butt...I dare you to mention Jesus to your neighbour. I dare you to trust God with your goods and invite people round more often. I dare you to speak the truth in love to that brother or sister who could well snub you. I dare you to pray up at that prayer meeting where you sit so quietly. I dare you to get serious and start that ball rolling to plant a church, by God's grace.

I like Kelly Clarkson's catchy pop tune, 'Breakaway'

I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Isn't it time to start being a risktaker for the Kingdom?


Pete said...

I think the problem might be that we don't really understand what it means to say (as a famous missionary once said)

'he is no fool who gives that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose'

Where's the risk in that? If we do our accounts using the kingdom-scheme there really isn't one.

Unknown said...

Obvious when you stop to think about it. Perhaps we should do that more often. Like Jesus said, the worst that can hpapen is that they could kill us...

...since "dying is gain" that's not so bad.