Friday, October 21, 2005

Slightly more awake now, though didn't sleep too well last night.
It seems an age since I last wrote.
Oh, I missed telling you some stuff too:
Jonathan Bayes, pastor at Thirsk, was on out flight to Dubai. He's stayed with us a couple of times. Good chat with him. He's off to a convention near Manilla. Small world, isn't it?
Saw a great film (quite depressing, but it moved me to tears) called 'Crash'. I want to show it at TCH Crookesmoor and get us discussing racism and the gospel. Watch it if you can.
In Dubai airport (salubrious or what?) I had a great chat over my Costa Coffee with a bearded Afghan gentleman in his 70's. He has children all around the world and was just jetting off to see them. His English was quite poor but we managed to chat about all sorts and even the gospel, especially when he explained a minister had taught him some English in Omaha, Nebraska. Cue chance to explain about Isa Al Masih (Jesus Christ). If you teach English to M@slims, good on you. Keep on.
Then another delightful, elderly gentleman- Indian this time- as I tried reading his book over his shoulder (don't tell me you NEVER do that!) I saw the word "missions". He was going to a conference in India and we chatted about missions for a while. I even got an invite to their national conference next year to talk about TCH! I felt like setting up right there in Dubai airport a new ministry! Maybe call it "Just Chatting". People are generally up for it.
Then back on the flight. Boy is it a long way to Hong Kong. Halfway over India I felt we surely must be there by now. 5 more hours to go. Big world isn't it?
Then at last, Hong Kong! Met by dear little sis Catriona. The Yard of Jaffa Cakes strapped to my rucksack arrived intact, the rucksack didn't. Thanks Emirates for somehow ripping off a heavy duty strap! Anyway... Catriona appreciated the Jaffa Cakes.
It was great to be part of Catriona's church homegroup that evening. Evangelism was the theme. Later, as I chatted through the issues that make 'mission through community' really hard among the expats of HK, I quietly thanked the Lord that I wasn't called to plant a church among them. All strength to the elbows of those who are.

more to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was good. Lovely to hear some news. Everyone appreciated their 'chats' with you tonight but judging by what they all said when they returned, you had to keep going over the same stuff.... Blogs are so good for that aren't they. you must be so tired darling.
Sorry to hear about your ruck sack - will they pay for a new one? or were they trying to protect the Jafa cakes when it ripped?!!! Sorry :_(
Love you. Praying for you.