Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A first. I've never blogged whilst out the country before. I am in Hong Kong, about to go to Shenzhen then Shanghai to see friends.
I am droppping off even as I type this (it's such a bloomin' long way!) so I won't say much. Good time with Catriona's homegroup tonight. A lovely bunch. But I'm thankful that I'm not planting among busy expats in HK. Mission thru community is nigh on impossible. Missing my peeps in Sharrow & Crookesmoor (or is that TCH Upperthorpe'? or 'The Crowded House on the Hill'). Email me guys! Comment on my blog!


Anonymous said...

Andy! We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Trust the Lord will continue to help and bless you as you go to Shanghia etc.

Every blessing,


Anonymous said...

Loving visiting the blog - and can't wait to hear the promised 'more later' about the Crooksmoor plant...go well!