Saturday, October 22, 2005

Up early to travel to Shenzhen to see Sheff uni returnee "J". Amazingly problem-free journey by train and met up with him without any hassle. Not bad to say it's a city of 10 million in Mainland China and I have no Chinese! He and his girlfriend very kindly took me for a Szechuan meal and showed me the sights. The funny moment was when explained to her that I eat most Chinese food except "the extreme stuff like chickens feet". Guess what arrived 10 seconds later...? Yup, a steaming plate of pickled chicken's feet. Mmmm.... Actually, it wasn't all that bad at all.
After food, "J" and I went for a massage at his local. As you do. A curious mix of pain and ticklish agony! It was primarily a foot thing . How someone can mess with your feet for 1 hour 40 minutes is a mystery of the Orient.
I awoke deaf in one ear. I don't think it was the massage. I need syringing. But it is 'disorienting' (pun?!) me a bit. It's hard enough trying to understand what people are saying in their broken English (if they have any to break).
A crazy taxi journey to the airport ensued. Shanghai, next stop.
It was then that I began to appreciate China's teeming millions. The highway was heaving with people. Not one Western face among them. There was an apocalyptic feel to it all. Just the sheer mass of moving people on a scale I have not seen before. Surely there's opportunity for just one TCH among all these people? Does God not have his people in this city of 10 million.
We stopped! Traffic refused to move. I had only 50 minutes to get the last 4km for my plane to Shanghai. Some unfortunate breakfast-eating jaywalker had walked under a lorry it seemed. Not a pretty sight. Noodles everywhere! Then my angel appeared. Just as I had been praying. An opportunistic motorcyclist offered to take me the rest of the way on the pavement for a fee. I managed to haggle him down. Maybe that's why he dropped me 1km short of the terminal. Rats! I don't know how, but with only seconds only to spare, I made it to the gate.
1 hour 40 mins later, in Shanghai it was again remarkable how I managed to find "L" with no hassle. Thanks Lord!
Shanghai has 20 million pop. And what a sight! Buildings I have never seen the like of before! So humungous, so many.
Lovely meal -jaudze- dumplings- with L&W and his parents in their cosy appartment on the 18th floor.
Discovered his friendly dad loves traditional Chinese art/calligraphy. I asked if he would teach me a bit and he agreed. The arrangement is art lessons for bible lessons! Should be interesting. He has three English words: yes, no and byebye. And he confuses yes and no!
More later...


Anonymous said...

very funny. glad i'm not there watching some of this. more so, that none of the children are!! how would you have ever caught that plane?!

I love you - you are special, sensitive, funny and so passionate for the gospel. koko

Qum said...

chicken's feet? were they coated in anything? batter? sugar? noodles? Did you have a side order of Three Squeaks? c ya dad

Anonymous said...

hahaha!!! I bet you were terified on the back of that motor bike! lol.
Luv Anna xxx