Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Summer in the City is over. What a week! So much happened, but here's just one reflection.

Who can forget that BBQ with the flooded out Refugee Hostelers in our garden?! A lovely mix of people: Kurdish, North Korean, Eritrean, Iranian, Syrian, Congolese…amazing food cooked by H and Phil- thanks guys….great chat and laughter… C playing his tembur and R singing…the Kurdish dancing! …North Korean Mi whirling around in the middle of the circle like a crazy dervisher…as the evening grew still and some left and the darkness drew in... the candles and twinkling fairy lights as we drank a glass of Shiraz wine (originally Iranian as they happily pointed out)… conversation as it naturally turned to Jesus the friend of sinners…Iranian R as he expressed his deep interest in Jesus, quietly as he left…" he comes to me in my dreams"…

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