Thursday, July 19, 2007

execution imminent

I just spent the evening with a dear Kurdish friend, here in the UK fleeing the Iranian authorities for being a Kurdish journalist. He has just heard the horrific news that his brother is to be executed in four weeks for alleged anti-government activity in Iran. His crime, it seems, was working for an environmental NGO "he was in love with the planet, and was working voluntarily in order to prevent any more damages to the environment," says one report.

To make it worse, the Iranian government have said they will release him if my friend gives himself up. Yeah right. But still he feels terribly responsible for the planned execution of his brother. I am putting a shoulder to a CAMPAIGN for his release along with his friend Adnan who has, it seems, had political affiliations. Can you help? Spreading awareness by writing to those in power seems to be the way ahead at the moment. Does anyone reading this have access into national press?

Remember these guys in prayer: Adnan Hassanpur and Abdolvahed (Hiwa) Butimar.

Please read this article and then contact your MP and get the word out.

(don't bother to try ringing the phone numbers at the bottom of the report, they are for Kurdistan)

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