Friday, February 02, 2007


Some of the Nationalities and ethnicities living & working in Sharrow

A – Albanian, Afghani, Amharic, Angolian, Algerian, Argentinian, Australian, Aruba, Antiguan, American

B – Bosnian, Basque, Belgian, Brazilian, Balinese, Botswanan, Bajan, Bermudan

C – Chilean, Chadian, Chinese, Cameroonian, Cuban, Carriacou, Canadian, Congalese, Czech

D – Dutch, Djiboutian, Dominican

E – English, Emirati

F – French, Fulani, Flemish, Finnish, Fillipino

G – German, Greek, Ghanian, Gambian, Grenadian, Guyanian

H – Hungarian, Hutu, Hausa

I – Icelandic, Italian, Ibo, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Irish, Indonesian

J – Japanese, Javan, Jamaican, Jordanian

K – Kosovan, Korean, Kuwaiti, Kurdish, Kashmiri, Keren, Kenyan

L – Liberian, Lebanese, Libyan

M – Malian, Mandinka, Mongolian, Malaysian, Macedonian, Montserrat, Mandarin, Morrocan, Mauritian, Mozambican, Myanmar

N – Nigerian, Nepalese, New Zealander, Norwegian

O – Oromo, Omani

P – Polish, Pakistani, Portuguese, Palestinian, Peruvian

Q – Qatari

R – Rwandan, Russian

S – Somali, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish, Sierra-Leonian, Syrian, Surinamese, Saudi, St. Vincentian, Spanish, Scottish

T – Tigrean, Tunisian, Turkish, Tutsi, Taiwanese, Tasmanian, Tobagan

U – Uzbeki, Ugandan

V – Venezualan, British Virgin Islander, Vietnamese

W – Welsh

X – Xhosa

Y – Yemeni, Yuruba, Yugoslavian

Z – Zulu, Zimbabwean, Zambian


Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

very cool... where did you get the info from?

Stov said...

hi anon
it was from some paper I came across a while back from some local community group. Vague... sorry!

Anonymous said...

...and there's you still struggling with mastering the english language!!!

Stov said...

I have English, Welsh. Scottish and Irish on the list. Good enough Noel ?

Stov said...

helo anonymuss. i am not shure whot yuo meen. I am verry good at with englush speakign