Wednesday, February 07, 2007

China calling...

Our 'man in China' (!) writes:

Finally I'd just like to mention about a problem which is getting bigger and bigger for churches in general out here, which also needs people's prayer. Many people are being proclaimed Christians by others, as they have fulfilled some certain criteria or have said they believe in God, but in fact, they have not been changed by the Lord. Many churches and groups have abandoned the biblical teaching of the sovereignty of God in conversion, and teach that all you need to do is raise your hand, say a prayer of repentance and your saved. I feel this endangers many people, as it teaches them they are safe when they are clearly not. A large part of the ministry here is involved in correcting these wrong teachings, and urging people to "make their call and election sure".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this not also one of the biggest problems in the UK ?.

A person can be lured into a false sense of security because they have "made a decision".

They feel safe, the church/evangelist is satisfied but the person, ( man /woman or child ) is led onto very dangerous ground.

My grandfather was a lovely man but not a Christian. He wanted nothing to do with the things of God and needed quite a bit of inducement to go to a place of worship.

After he died however I had a Johns Gospel of his in which there was a decision page which he had signed during the years of the first world war , which finished 59 years before his death.

False security ?.