Monday, October 09, 2006

Blogging's a funny how-do-you-do.

Loads has happened since I last wrote an entry. Loads of good stuff too. But I just sometimes think the mundane and ordinary although deeply encouraging to me of late, just doesn't belong here. Same with prayer letters to supporters. We craft our experiences into an exciting accumulation of happenings and events and conversations (with honesty of course) and parade it before our readers hoping it will justify our existence for another few months. Hmm. What a dreadful thought. I think sometimes, the more I appreciate God's view of me, the more I understand His acceptance and revel in his grace that alone justifies, the less I want to talk about me and what I have done. Isn't His opinion all that matters?!

Does that mean no more news?! No. I have a responsibility to report back to those who are holding the ropes. I have the privilege to tell out the goodness of God that we experience. But I hope God's fame and not mine will be promoted. Tell me please if it isn't.

Change of subject...

Excellent brief article here from David MacMillan, a pastor in Belfast.

What do you think? What action will we take?

1 comment:

Ant said...

The temptation to justify our existence to people is a strong one isn't it? But ultimately we serve that Audience of One.