Thursday, August 31, 2006

I've always been a fan of Sharrow Surestart. They do a great work. Especially Judith as she comes alongside BME families (getting the PC lingo here!...Black and Minority Ethnic) who are struggling to cope with young children and life's hardships.
It's a great privilege therefore, to have been asked to come onboard as one of their Dads' Workers.
Our remit:
"To Ignite Fatherhood in Sharrow" (!)
I offered as a volunteer but they're insisting on paying me. Nice. It's only 6 hrs p.w. but will be a great way to input into the lives of men and their families in our locality. I have been passionate for a while about encouraging and supporting local BME fathers. Any ideas?


FaithChristine said...

That's fantastic, Andy! Congrats!

Have some memory-making and relationship-building special events for dads and their kids, such as a father-daughter banquet and/or a father-son outing.

Or something like Abbey Tots but for dads and their kids...where the kids can come play in a safe environment and the dads can have a chance to be with other men, do man things :-) and also have opportunities to talk about fatherhood and kids' needs, etc.

Martin Downes said...

Hi Stov,

Not seen you for some time. I enjoy perusing your blog from time to time though.



Anonymous said...

Hi Andy

Great opportunity! I guess there is SO much you could do, you'll never fit it into 6 hrs a week!it needs some careful thinking through, but I guess one of the most needy areas is 'parenting skills', especially from the Father's role. I can't quite visualise you as Sharrow's answer to 'Supernanny'(not yet anyway!), but some guidance on how to discipline children lovingly as a father (set limits to behaviour, how to react to bad behaviour without anger or violence, etc). This needs serious preparation and thinking through, but is a wonderful opportunity to point to OUR heavenly Father and his love for us. GO STOV!!!!
