Friday, June 02, 2006

If you like films, you should sign up with 24Frames. They send you free pre-release tickets for movies. This week, Ju and I with Phil & Janelle from TCH Sharrow, got freebies and went to see United 93. A very different kind of movie.
As one reviewer put it:
It's hard to imagine a less sensationalized 9/11 film than United 93.

It's true. The events surrounding 4th plane on the fateful day of 9/11 are revealed to us rather than exploited. The cast are unknown actors (some are the actual ATC and military personnel who were involved on the day.)
I remember at the time, hearing recordings of phone calls made by passengers to their loved ones as they became resigned to their fate. I wept. The film too brought back the awful reality of the moments before they overpowered the hijackers. What would you do if you received a call like that?
I'm not sure what in the end we are to do with a film like this. Yes, be inspired by the courage ordinary people. Yes, share in the tribute to them. Grieve. But we know what happened. I wonder if there is any need to see it. It's not a movie I would watch again. I'm not sure what the point would be. Maybe watching it and feeling the helplessness and anguish and tragedy is our small tribute to those who died.

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