Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Just got back from Leeds General Infirmary where they fitted an ASD occluder into a hole in my son's heart (Isaac). It is phenomenal what they can do. Just a couple of hours after coming round he was noticeably more pink in colour. His SATS (oxygen level in blood ) have risen from 81 to 98. (Normal is 98-99).
A lovely moment was a phone call from "Y" a M@slim friend concerned about Isaac.
All glory to a loving heavenly Father.


Anonymous said...

Great that Isaac is doing well!! I totally LOVE his website by the way. Such a cool dude - he always has been!
Such a miracle - I always remember dad describing him in hospital when he was a little baby with all sorts of wires and looking so fragile. Praise God!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy
Great to hear about Isaac's op. We'll be praying for him as he recovers. Praise God for all His goodness to us.