Friday, March 31, 2006

This is not a spoof

The more I read about and witness Isl@m firsthand from the many M@slims I know and love, the more I appreciate the gospel. They are so diametrically opposed in every way, you could almost learn the gospel by learning Isl@m and asking, 'now, what would be the exact opposite of that?'
It is greatly reassuring when our M@slim friends go to such lengths to 'prove' Isl@m to us. I have been offered several times to visit "All@h Fish" (it was years ago in Batley, so it must have been the great grandfather of this one!). He's back and with his own website too.

It's a good reminder to us as Christians to rely on God's methods and not ours. How often we look for something persuasive, powerful, convincing, miraculous. But, it's the word about a crucified carpenter from Nazareth that is the power of God to save people. It's the weak and yet Spirit-enabled community of God's people that presents an unimpugnable apologetic to a cynical world. I am convinced like Luther, that we need to distinguish between ‘theologies of glory’ which seek the revelation of God in visible displays of divine power and glory, and a ‘theology of the cross’ which sees the ultimate revelation of God in the cross. By faith we see in the cross: power in weakness, victory in failure and glory in shame.

As I type, a small bunch of prayed-for kids is in our front room- TCH Kids. Laughing together, observing Christians up close, hearing the simple gospel of a crucified Lord. Cheers Dave & Cat.
Give me that over a speckled fish, any day.

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