Wednesday, December 07, 2005

An evening of special fellowship with my peeps from TCH OTH, confessing our sins and delighting again in the gospel. Then sharing again with my dear wife after, the pathetic idol factories that we see our hearts to be but not overcome with despair but so sensing that we're loved despite God knowing ALL the details of the mess within, led to a rarity. I penned a hymn! I'm no poet and it'll be another 20 years before it happens again, but it helped me to express my delight. Any tune ideas? (it's probably unsingable!).
It's called, 'Remind me'. It's a request to be gospelled, because I so easily forget and allow idols to take the place of the one who has justified me by his grace.

Loved by the God who knows every detail
Loved by the king whose crown I once seized
Chosen to be the guest at the table
of him whose heart I've hurt and I've grieved.

Rebellious and proud, a heart full of treachery,
In self-righteous rags pathetically clothed,
He called me to lay down my sword and this mutineer
found grace and full pardon, a welcome, a home.

Free grace? For sure, there must be something
which I must do to make me his child.
When will we learn, it's free and he means it.
Watch! doubting heart as the King of love dies!

The exchange that took place: my sin for his righteousness
Explains how the King can welcome me in.
My Jesus has paid, I'm clean, I am justified.
How can I live any longer loving sin?

When bubbling up, idols replace him
Jesus my King, my Peace, my Delight,
offering refuge, false hope, remind me
of his sweet mercy- I'm right in his sight!


Anonymous said...

wow i love it! not quite sure the final 2 verses scan right, but the sentiment is fantastic, espcially verses 1 and 2. thanks for sharing with us your thankfulness for grace!

FaithChristine said...

Andy, you've touched on a key issue, I believe. It's something I've wrestled with often since leaving Sheffield. I'm always encouraged by TCH people's Gospel-focus and attempts to "Gospel one another" - miss it greatly. I was thinking about it more today whilst doing a final exam hermeneutic study on Deuteronomy 8:11-20...will be posting on my blog about it when I get the chance. Thanks bro!