Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Brainstorming the other day, a couple of you were in on it (Thx Chris & Mim), as to
'Why we don't gospel each other more?'.

I first want to say that I think within TCH, we are all getting way better at it. So this is not a bashing! It's a
'we're learning to do it, so let's do it more' exercise....

Add to the list what you think are some of the reasons... understanding and nailing the 'excuses' is helpful...

Here's what we came up with thus far,

1. Fear of being/being seen as a hypocrite ("who am I to tell her to trust God when I have plenty wrong with me?")
2. Personality… quiet / timid- it's the way I am
3. fear of hurting someone / making them 'feel awful'
4. "I'm alright, you're alright, we're alright"
5. It's not cool. You're a boy scout if you think community should be so 'intense'
6. I feel inadequate
7. We're not 'getting grace' (failing to understand it and apply it)
8. Someone else (more godly and wise) will / should do it
9. "What if I say it wrong ? I don't know the answers?"
10. Fear of coming across as banale / clichéd
11. Fear of coming across as uncaring
12. "I only see her once a week, so I'm not 'close' enough to say hard things"
13. Fear of what we'll find in their lives if we start digging
14. Fear of what they'll find in our lives if we both start digging.
15. Superficial relationships mean we just don't think to do it. We submit too easily to the culture of 'lite'
16. Too much dependance upon human wisdom, so we don't gospel them but advise from our gathered knowledge
17. Spiritual life is private!
18. There's just never the 'right opportunity' to do it
19. God will reveal their sin to them

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