Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's official. The newest of the TCH congregations is 'The Crowded House on the hill'. TCH OTH. I think it has a quaintness to it (Little House on the prairie?!) as well as making two good points:

1] Sheffield is a city built on seven hills. So wherever we end up meeting, chances are we'll be on a hill.
2] We want our identity to reflect a biblical mandate. Matthew 5v14 reminds us we are a city set on a hill. We want to be that community of light that is visible to all. 'Flight into the invisible is a denial of the call. A community of Jesus which seeks to hide itself has ceased to follow him' (D. Bonhoeffer).
Also, a favourite sermon of mine looks at Isaiah 25 where God invites us to a feast on a hill:

"On this mountain the LORD Almighty will spread a wonderful feast for everyone around the world."

We often say that TCH is big on eating together, so it's a fitting image. Especially as we are an international church.

I'm glad we got that sorted- coming up with a name was getting to be one of our main pastimes!

It was amazing how the Lord enabled us to divide so seamlessly and joyfully from the rest of TCH Crookesmoor. There was potential for some heartache and sadness as we parted and became two new churches, but the Lord gave strength and gospel resolve. It helped that we had a most excellent weekend away all together just before and at our last church together baptised a dear Malaysian brother!
As I was heading off to China, both groups wanted to get on with the job immediately. So as I left, TCH OTH and TCH S10 (S10 is the postcode where they meet) started meeting separately.

It was wonderful how OTH just got on with stuff in my absence. Two of the guys stepped up to the plate and taught the bible; significant pastoral care of a most loving nature was being shown among them, evangelism was happening; a team meeting was planned and took place; social stuff and meals together happened. And all without their leader! I felt! There's no doubt this has meant that gifts and gospel effort have come to the fore like never before. I feel so privileged to be working alongside these my peeps. They are my joy and crown big time.

We are a young church. We are small. Vulnerable. Inexperienced. BUT we all sense very much God's greatness and sovereignty. (studies in Daniel of late have drummed home God's control over all the affairs of men and his commitment to keep his promises which we can trust implicitly). We have a very big God.
Pray for us as we learn what it is to follow Jesus together.

I'm looking forward to future blogging about our intentions in our infancy, to engage, in the near future God willing, in gospel ministry and partnership overseas. Even to be church planting in China!


becci brown said...

Hey Andy!!
Good to hear from you on my blog! Returning the visit!
Wow, it's so good to read of all TCH developments. How awesome is God?!
Nope, not it Belfast.Man, has it been that long? I left almost 2 years ago now and have been studying in London doing Media and Sociology...very busy, CU pres as well which seems to take more of my time than studying does!! Things are good. HOw are you all?
will have to drop you an email soon. Even better, I'll have to come up and visit you guys.
Hope you're well.

Ant said...

exciting to observe all this from a distance via blogland! Look forward to reading future happenings.

William Bode said...

Exciting name! Exciting new days and plans and mandates!