Thursday, October 13, 2005

There's no substitute for seeing God at work.
Being in the grandstand as God does his saving, sanctifying action! I saw some today. It was awesome.

Wen & Lil, married couple at TCH Crookesmoor (now two congregations, but more of that later) were saved after two years of bible study, seeing the life of God in his people, belonging to the church family as dear friends and many questions and frustrations over believing. They are so wonderfully joyful in the Lord. Today they told me how they have been 'telling the bible story' bit by bit to their lodger who was eager to hear the stories, but was far from believing. They'd got up to Solomon! They then went on a holiday (they'd booked before they were converted and now didn't want to go as it would waste God's resouces as they saw it, but didn't want to lose deposits so went). It all went very pear shaped and disaster after mishap occured. Throughout they maintained that God was teaching them many lessons about trusting him, how not to hold their possessions tightly, rejoicing in trials, etc. When they got back their lodger was astounded by their joyful manner. She expected complaints, grumbling and bitterness after all the fiascos. But all she got was a patient, trusting confidence in a good and sovereign Heavenly Father! She was all ears to what Lil & Wen had to say about Him. As Lil explained that the opposite of faith was rebellion, it struck her forcefully (or as Lil described it, "as if someone has smacked her across the back of the head to wake her up!")
"What took me months to recognise by God's help, she understand in minutes", laughed Lil.
They were all set to baptise her there and then, but the lodger needed more time to consider what she was doing. The lodger has since returned to China, where I hope to meet up with her and her husband when I visit next week!


Ant said...

matey - when are you gonig to CHina and for how long?

Anonymous said...

Hearing Wen & Lil joyfully recount this tale has to be the biggest encouragement of all in what was a massively encouraging weekend! I was so overjoyed when they gave their hearts to Christ in the first place, and to witness them doing so again and again day by day is awesome. Praise God for the gift of life and faith he has given them - if only we all grew that quickly in faith hope and love! Thank you so much Father for adding them to our precious family.