Monday, October 31, 2005

The karting didn't happen after all. But it was probably better to do what we did. W&L and I went to see a newly met British brother who is facilitating stuff with a newly forming 'club' in Shanghai made up of several returnees. It was relaxed and fun and we also met 2 Chinese returnees. Here's the chance we have to get W&L linked in with a community who are wanting to serve well. Plans were made for W&L to meet up again soon and join a study group. W's baby comes very soon, so that will bring interruption for her, but it looks very promising. There certainly seemed to be a good sense of bonding on this first meeting. Two of the Chinese returnees, providentially, were also there and made W&L very welcome.
It felt to be a good conclusion to my time in Shanghai.
As TCH we are keen to establish significant links with other causes round the world. It will be exciting to begin to get to know this new group.

A trip on the Maglev (340 km/h hover rail) to the airport, a short flight and now I'm back in Hong Kong. Hanging out with Dave & Catriona from TCH Sharrow (Catriona is studying here for 6 months) and meeting up with one more returnee tomorrow- 'YQ'.

Different altogether here. I'm living in Stanley with a lovely expat family from Catriona's church. Quite a paradise (see pic!). The view from my 15th floor balcony in Manhattan appartments is quite stunning.

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