Saturday, October 08, 2005

It's proving painful as we reflect on who is to be in which congregation as we divide and plant. I understand that. I don't feel it as much as some do. But I sympathise...Is it my personality? Being a guy? A sign of the superficiality of my relationships!? They do call me 'Shallow Hal'! At least they used to...and even then I think it was a misnoma.... 'cos I want to ask questions like:
-what ultimately is our community for?
-Why are we in relationship with each other? What is their goal?'
Surely we must hold everything lightly. If my friendships become inordinately important then, I have lost sight of what God's goal is. His greater glory. I become Corinthian-like and join the cult of me, forgetting that the gospel is about God and his people.
Here's what I'm planning to do when I sit down with the final two lists of names. Let me commend it to you as a helpful practice...

+ If I think "WAHAY!" (ie 'this is the combo I was hoping for!') Then I must beware. Be very careful. Maybe this seems 'good' because my friends are there. This looks 'good' because it suits me and my needs. Maybe my primary delight is not the gospel and God's glory.

+ If I think "AWWWW" (ie, 'this is going to be such hard work') Then I should rejoice! Because this combo is going to give us the ideal opportunity to express the truth that the gospel reconciles. God brings together, supernaturally, people who wouldn't ordinarily choose the other person as a friend. He unites them in his Son and and says 'maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace'. (The emphasis in Eph 4 v 3 is "I mean this...this is of the utmost importance").

"Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." (Eph 4v16).

He fits us together perfectly guys... The final list may have its flaws, humanly speaking, but no mistakes with God. He is the architect and builder. he repairs and maintains his holy temple. THAT'S US!
Let's keep in mind verse 2 and verse 16. Paul tops and tails that section with LOVE.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Andy...v helpful comments.
This church plant is definitely helping to expose some of my selfish attitudes to crookesmoor and the gospel that I had not even noticed were there. It's exciting stuff...roll on the weekend away!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy! I've just discovered these blogs through David Potter's prayer letter -- how cool!! Anyhow, thanks so much for that -- it's super encouraging to me as regards heading into marriage...this is going to be hard work, which is a reason for rejoicing because God's grace and glory will be seen as HE unites me and Adam under the gospel, for HIS glory! How exciting, and what firm hope we have. God is so merciful and gracious in the way he accomplishes his plans through relationships. I'll be praying for you all and the church plant!