Monday, October 10, 2005

Daniel ch 2:

The Inability of Man's Power (:1-6)


He was frustrated. Despite all of his power he did not have the capacity for knowing and controlling the future. He was supreme ruler of the superpower of that time, but he was powerless to understand and control the future. Despite his present success, he could not be assured of the permanency of his kingdom. It could be taken away from him and he would be one day, powerless.
Even men of power have needs and can never be self-sufficient.

The Inability of Man's Wisdom --
educated spiritual men

What do we tend to think of when we think of wisdom?
- Knowledge, academic achievement.
Then it was seen in terms of occultic insight. Revelation from their gods/gained from weird rituals.

Vv10-11. They're right!
You have asked the impossible and the unreasonable
There is no access to divine revelation (:11) they maintain the existence of their gods and yet the helplessness of their gods to communicate to man. These men are not channels for divine communication

Daniel reminds us that there are clear limitations to human knowledge and wisdom and even insight from evil spiritual forces is very limited. There's a block beyond which they can't go…but the God of the universe can!

The Inability of Genuine Spiritual Leaders (in themselves)
Daniel -- God's Servant

He needed these 3 things
in order to accomplish the task:
a. Time to ask God for wisdom (:16)
b. Support of other godly men in corporate prayer
c. Revelation from God of the mystery

The importance of giving God all of the credit Daniel's response of thanksgiving (:19,20)
What does this show about Daniel's ability?
- itshowed his inability!

The Sovereign God Is Our Source for True Wisdom and Power (:19-23)
Vv20 - 23 Daniel's prayer.
Why is Daniel so full of praise?
Even more than having his skin saved, what is he thankful for?

V28 There is a god in heaven who reveals secrets!
The King, the astrologers even Daniel were unable- GOD IS ABLE. He reveals secrets (v.28)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your notes on Dan 2. I shall look forward to studying them more fully later. Keep it up and every blessing.