Saturday, December 01, 2007

Should Christians support homosexuals suffering discrimination?

I found this helpful. I reproduce it here for any of you who have felt uncomfortable (as I at first did) or even shocked, that I should be helping to spearhead the campaign to halt the deportation of Pegah Emambakhsh, an Iranian lesbian.
( Facebook: Stop the Deportation of Pegah Emambakhsh)

Christians should be in the forefront of those who protest when homosexuals are treated unjustly. That is because love and injustice are incompatible. Whenever homosexual people are the object of snide humour on the television screen or harsh penalties in the law-courts, genuinely loving Christian people ought to be the first to stand up in their support. Any minority group which suffers discrimination should have full Christian backing in a struggle for their legal and moral rights.

My second suggestion is also a requirement, if biblical standards are to be kept. Those who accept the Bible’s veto on homosexual behaviour must go out of their way to express genuine love for homosexual people.

David Field,
formerly Vice-Principal of Oak Hill Theological College, London.

The full article appears here


Unknown said...

I read this Field's book Taking Sides over the summer. Seems a very wise man.

Anonymous said...

So who decides what constitutes being treated 'unjustly'?

Question of Identity said...

Sean check out John 8 - God does!

Thanks for this. I have worked alongside homosexuals and heard their cries and pain. Whilst I have conservative views regarding homosexual practice, I am no doubt that Jesus is there standing against the injustice that Pegah and others like her are suffering.

paulocanning said...

Thank you for your support.

Please sign the petition to Gordon Brown to 'stop deporting gays and lesbians to countries where they may be imprisoned, tortured or executed because of their sexuality'.