Monday, August 06, 2007

A great day!

What a great day!

It's clear that "Ian" is trusting in Christ, so this Sunday we baptised him in front of Kurdish and Iranian friends and church folk. Welcome my Kurdish brother to the family of God!

As one entered, we said a sad goodbye to my dear brother Dave Potter who goes down to Lougborough this week with Catriona to live and work there for the next 2 years or so, serving with TCH Loughborough. It's wonderful that we can send them knowing that they have the priority of God's Kingdom in their hearts.
Dave's been on the scene here since we arrived (5 years) and it's been a great privilege to get to know him and serve with him, firstly when he was a student, and lately as a teacher and part of TCH Sharrow team. But always a good friend and brother who was never slow in helping me in my growth as a Christian.
I will miss you my padawan. Keep the faith and lay down your life for the brothers.

Then a superb BBQ in God's Adventure Playground- Padley Gorge, with brothers and sisters and not-yet-brothers/sisters. Superb weather, great food (we even whacked on some steak leftover from Dave's fridge!), paddling, Kurdish wrestling (I nearly had him!) and gospel chats.

A perfect day.

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