Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Graffiti Defeaters

We had fun and developed new contacts during SitC by doing rubbish clear ups, litter picking and painting out graffiti on my beloved Abbeydale Rd.
We didn't finish during the mission week, so Amer and I went back this week to do some more. And also to paint over graffiti that had appeared since we painted last time! (see pic)

It's great now to be able to honk my horn as I drive by and get a friendly wave from various shop keepers whose shop fronts looks so much better.

It was heartening to see one spot where we removed a load of rubbish and was really horrible to look at, now having become a lovely little garden! (See pic). Thanks to the tenant.

Here's my plan... getting local people outside the church involved in a continuing community project to defeat the graffiti. Having 'Paint out Days', etc. Join us?

Subduing God's world one wall at a time!

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