Wednesday, January 17, 2007

TFWAW (The food we all want!)

A great Curry Club last week. It seemed as if no one was coming then two hours in, they all came, in true Pakistani timing. Lots of fun as we began discussing Iqbal- Pakistan's national poet. Iqbal was a philosopher, political activist and poet (amongst other things) and has some interesting things to say. He certainly is close to the heart of many Pakistani men I have talked with and a potent cultural inroad into their hearts. Next Curry Club we'll be looking more indepth at some of his ideas on human nature.

A special post-Christmas treat from two dear Kurdish friends as they treated my family to fabulous Kurdish kebabs last week. These guys are not well off but insisted on taking us all out to Norooz Kurdish Restaurant- probably my favourite eating out venue... anywhere!
I so wanted to pay but am seeing more clearly these days the excellent principle of allowing others to serve you and not being the giver all the time. Such reciprocation is a wonderful thing and nourishes our friendship.

Then this last two weeks I have revived our midweek breakfasts with my dear 'almost brother' "A" from Iraqi Kurdestan. And what a fantastic time we had. No one quite makes fried eggs on toast like him and his coffee...fantastic. But that was just the hors d'oeuvre, even better were the gospel conversations we had. He asks for prayer that his heart be opened that last little bit. He has been convinced of the truth of Christ by the loving relationships he has seen and been very much party to in our church community. He is counting the cost of losing his family but we are confident that the Lord who is pursuing him will win and add him fully to His family.

Sundays in our bible time together for the next 9 weeks, we are considering the meals of Jesus in Luke. Fantastic. Check them out:

1. Luke 5:27-39
2. Luke 7:36-50
3. Luke 9:10-17
4. Luke 10:38-42
5. Luke 11:37-54
6. Luke 14:1-24
7. Luke 19:1-10
8. Luke 22:7-30
9. Luke 24:13-34

It really is all about a feast after all!

As Isaiah puts it:

On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines. (25v6)

Bring in the Kurds and the Mirpuris Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog Andy - keep it up!
So, would I be right in guessing that you like your food....