Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pakis Out

I'm always very impressed by the way Sheffield, and our little corner of it in particular, enjoys healthy racial harmony. A very mixed community with lots of goodwill and very little in the way of racial tensions (comparatively). It was sad to see therefore on Sunday morning, several road signs in our neighbourhood carrying offensive racist comments. Judith got the meths out and a rag and has erased them. We're not having it spoil our friendships. It gave me a good opportunity to talk about peace (or lack of it) in a Christmas talk to our M@slim friends at Curry Club last night too.


Anonymous said...

BOOOO! you should have left it on you are as bad as a muslim, TRAITOR!

Anonymous said...

What type of moron goes about writing racial stuff on roadsigns? Sad idiot needs to get a life. He probably does not even live around there. Well done for taking it off.