Friday, October 27, 2006

Bridges into the community??

I liked this. Thx Andrew.

It struck a strong chord with me as I too am inclined, sometimes wistfully, to look on at the schemes and programmes of big 'proper churches' (t.i.c.) and feel left behind, maybe even ineffective.

And then, I look at what God is doing in the ordinary and the everyday through the life of our intentionally small, intentionally gospel community and I rejoice!

(t.i.c. = 'tongue in cheek')


backyardmissionary said...

thanks mate!

as another 'imposter' church I agree that the temptation to conform is often great, but we have enough of those kinds of churches already.

its been a great discovery learning that God works just a smuch thru the simple ordinary and every day

Anonymous said...

Amen Andy!
The temptation to do 'proper church' is so seductive and so easy to slip into. Frequently it seems to be our desire for affirmation from other believers - so that they think well of us and that we don't seem quite so weird as they thought. We seem to want to prove we can run 'programmes' as well as anyone, that we can train 'ministers' as well as any Bible College, that we can map out a 'blueprint' as an example for other churches, etc. all of this inevitably detracts from us simply and faithfully living out the gospel to those God has placed us amongst in our ordinary, everyday lives.

Ant said...

thought this article was fascinating. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Good article - thanks for the link.

On my depressed days I think churches spend half their time on programmes to turn visitors into churchy oddballs and then the other half of their time on bridge building for the oddballs to remake contact with the outside world.

This is not true, of course. It is just part of my warped thinking.

backyardmissionary said...

might not be all that warped Semper :)


Stov said...

Yeah...Semper, why do "we" have to be beating ourselves up. The warpedness is those who have strained the gnat and swallowed the camel. On non-depressed days, isn't it still true?

(BTW Hamo- thx for relinquishing Stevo McAlpine. He's good bloke. Looking forward to getting to know him better.