Saturday, August 05, 2006

Some recent visitors to TCH serving in Central Asia, went away from their visit and put the following in their newsletter. It's worth quoting....

Hello Friends
"Long term, low key and relational" is a phrase new friends in the Crowded House Network ( in Sheffield, England use to describe their ministry.

"Long term" is in contrast to events. "Low key" is in contrast to the hype of big events. "Relational" is in contrast to programs. However, long term, low key and relational is a
lot more work than events and programs! It leaves you no positions or pulpits to hide behind! It cannot be worked out in a series of event or meetings but only in small communities! It depends upon character and relational integrity and not upon gift, personality or natural charisma.

Long term, low key and relational challenges our Western Culture of quick fix, media hype and celebrity. It challenges our mantra of bigger as better. It challenges our fixation on judging success by the size of the crowds. It challenges our values of personal peace, personal prosperity and personal pleasure.

Events may produce "decisions" and may generate the numbers of those who have prayed "the sinners prayer" but where is that in the New Testament? Jesus sent the crowds away and invested His life in the twelve who had left all to follow Him. His command is to do as He did and to make disciples!

May we extend our encouragement to all our friends who are involved in the long term, low key, relational process of loving men and women into laying down their rights to themselves and doing all that Jesus commanded!

1 comment:

FaithChristine said...

that's great! cool that i got to meet them during their visit. Andy, are P/J visiting Central Asia now? ~ Faith

ps. hope you had a great time on holiday! Love all you Stovs!