Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Part of getting ready for TCH's Summer in The City mission this year has been has been making vox pops with another guy from the network. A series of brief videos where the public airs its views on 'life, the universe and everything'. We'll be showing one each night at the Live Jazz Cafe.
Just asking people the six big questions never ceases to sadden and stun me as to how lost the lost really are. An arrant ignorance and darkness is evident in their understanding as they answer the 6 questions. It's a powerful reminder to me of the massive need there is to make the gospel known. You should try it sometime. Get out and ask the people what they really think. It will convince you, believe me, of the clear need for getting the gospel out there, inviting people to come and see the truth and know him for themselves.

The six questions we ask are:

  1. What do you most want out of life?
  2. What, in your opinion, is wrong with the world?
  3. In your view, is there a God? and if so, what is he like?
  4. What is your honest view of Christianity?
  5. Who do you believe Jesus to be?
  6. What do you think will happen to you when you die?
Here, you can see one of the vox pops.

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