Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This story from Paul Tripp's excellent read (2nd part here) made me cry. How do you respond?
Why is it that we tend to have 'permanently casual relationships'? Why are we so self-protective in our conversations and act as co-conspirators in casual relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ? (i.e. they don't want to reveal hidden issues and sins and we certainly don't want to know!).
What is about some people that makes you not want to be open with them? (or they with you?!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Why are we so self-protective?"
Pride is one reason, the other an in built Self Defence Mechanism.
When we talk about something, it becomes real and public, we make ourselves vunrable. So its safer to restrict such things to our thought life, where they are safe and under our control.
Jesus shared His vunrability with His disciples and His Father. He talked a lot about His death, to them.
The people I know who have shared such thoughts, have only done it, when all seamed losts, and they had nothing else to lose.
This is the same reason why people don't seek God, because they don't confront the issues, but hide themselves behind wealth, lifestyle and matterial possesions.
This is one area where Wesley's Class Systems, were excellent. A bit like house groups, they met to study the word and confess their weeknesses to eachother and to God.