Monday, May 08, 2006

Blogger's Block. Every so often, I have things I want to blog, but can't seem to get them out! I have had a couple of blogs in draft, but haven't managed to get them completed. Here's one...just finished!

It's probably seven years since we decided to adopt. The process has been slow. Social Services are not the fastest machine in the world. Since moving to Sheffield, we had to put it on hold until we got the house sorted. For some reason, they thought the house unfit/unsafe for an adopted child! (Actually, I'm surprised they didn't take all our kids off us it was such a mess at first!)
Now the house is almost done- rusty nails and leaky rooves etc, are gone - we have started the adoption process again, this time with a charity who are much more efficient.
The first interview was interesting. It seemed unusual to her that we were choosing to adopt not out of any sense of needing more children. She seemed almost suspicious. It makes me think of God's choice to take us on.
All was going well until she drops in the question, "what would you do if your child came home aged 15 and said they were having a gay relationship?".
She wanted the answer to show acceptance of the individual's rights to their own lifestyle, respecting their choices, etc. It was tricky for a while until ...well...what a great chance to talk about grace. How a gracious God has accepted us and teaches and enables us to receive others. Fully embracing the child whilst not condoning their behaviour. (She'd met religious extremists before who would have to kick the child out!).
I think she liked the idea of grace!
Please pray for us and our extended family, TCH Sharrow, as we proceed.

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