Sunday, April 23, 2006

Easter revisted

Last week, we were finishing off 1 John, so we had an Easter study this week instead. Good to have 2 Iranians and a Kurd hearing and seeing what it really is about.

1 Corinthians 15.
'No resurrection' means most everything about our lives as Christians is utterly useless and meaningless (see vv14-19)
Our preaching is useless
Our trust in God is useless
Our faith is useless.
We may as well pack up and go home.
We are the most miserable people in the world!

But he did rise. He has defeated sin and death. His victory is our victory.
So get preaching...keep happy!

I love Paul's closing statements in v.58:
"always be enthusiastic about the Lord's work because NOTHING you do for the Lord is EVER useless".
He is alive and so ALL your effort for him is purposeful and NEVER useless.
WOW…take that with you into this week.

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