Friday, February 24, 2006

Yikes! It has been a long time. Busy with other things...
The main event of the last few weeks has been the merging of TCH OTH & S10. It's been an adventure. One definitely worth the taking, but questions of viability and other factors have meant it seemed the wise thing to merge the two sister congregations. A hard thing for an evangelist! But the concensus was clear. I have learned that patience and prayer in ministry are key. God is not in a hurry to do things (unlike me). A good lesson.
This leaves me with half a week on my hands! Maybe you'd like to help me think through what I should/could be doing as an evangelist within a network of household congregations (the comments posting area awaits you).
One thing I am focussing on is some study. I want to understand better the role of the evangelist. Insights anyone? I am more an evangelist than a pastor, though time leading OTH has helped me develop needed pastoral ability.
It has been great in the last few days to just get out there and spend time developing relationships with not-yet-Christians and sharing the gospel. It's what I do.

Great time this morning with my bro Jamie discussing our study book, Piper's 'Desiring God'. Stimulated to understand more and praise more.
(A question: Does Piper develop the fundamental (to my mind) truth that the God who loves himself infinitely, is the triune God? In other words, what importance should we attach to the fact that we are talking here about the God who exists in loving community, loving himself not as a sterile unit but as Father, Son and Spirit? I am only just beginning the book.)


Anonymous said...

no great insights to offer but glad the posts are back! :-) Interesting news about OTH & S10...can you fill in more of the factors? (no worries if not - God's timing got to be a good enough reason..!) Enjoy the bonus half-weeks...Katy JPx
PS: is it just me getting half a screen of plain background before the posts appear..?

FaithChristine said...

Definitely missed seeing into your lives there during that time you had your "curtains shut" (or just didn't have time to blog)...


1. train up other evangelists
2. visit friends abroad (aka ME! :-))
3. while visiting friends abroad, train others on how to live Gospel-centred, missional communities.
4. record a CD of TCH music that you could maybe sell for support :-) (I'd buy one)
5. rest and enjoy time with family
{Sorry if most of these ideas are rubbish! :-)}

Love you all. Can't wait to see your new kitchen and all of you. ~ love your sis, Faith

Stov said...

Hi Katy. Thx for dropping by. "More of the factors" is not a secret. People moving on for good reasons has meant that viability looked unsure. My colleague too needed someone who could help in teaching and pastoral duties as he was very stretched. The combo of the two seemed to suggest it wise to merge the two congregations.

Thx Faith for encouraging us. Who knows, maybe one day we'll visit friends across the Pond...

Alan said...

You know about Jonathan Edwards unpublished essay on the Trinity? John Piper has it in one of his books, I think. (I've just worked out who you are. We are friends of the Thorpes)

Stov said...

Thx Alan. I am aware of it. Not read it yet. Did we meet? I haven't seen the Thorpes in ages.
France is very much in our sites in TCH. We hope to be sending a couple and single guy over to you (not sure where exactly) in the nearish future to church plant.