Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The end of the Chinese Era. It's been a fantastic two years of seeing God at work in the hearts of our dear brother and sister Wen & Lil. We had our last communion with them last night as team at TCH OTH. I take them to Heathrow on Thursday.
So many memories of good times discussing the gospel; urging them to trust Christ; studying Romans, 1 Peter, Bible overview for many hours; praying with them and being given warm hospitality; feeling like a spectator watching God at work; baptising them EVENTUALLY knowing that they really had got it at last, but more than that, God had got them. That's what they wanted! As they teetered on the brink of the Kingdom it was so hard to not actually push them that last bit. But God drew them and did his gracious work and amazed us all.
So... roll on TCH Shanghai! I have no doubts that they will serve their God with great joy and gratitude and effectively too.
And now we entrust you to God and the word of his grace--his message that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.

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