Friday, December 09, 2005

On the next two Saturdays, from 10.30-11.30, those that can are invited to join in a 'TCH On The Hill' training exercise...
It will be scary (deliberately so) and difficult (deliberately so) and not what you usually do (deliberately so).
We'll meet up at 10.30 at the top of Peace Gardens steps. I will have with me a stack of Christmas gospel leaflets. In pairs (having prayed and had some specific input as to how you could do it) we'll go and give them away to shoppers, with the intention that we will engage in a gospel conversation with those that ask us.
GULP! I hear you say.
Yes, it is GULP. But we'll be together to support and stand with one another. I won't let you get in above your head! I promise.
Long Term Low Key and Relational, maybe not but it could be. A person we chatted with could join us after for coffee because they want to know more. That could lead to long term gospel friendship. It should always be our aim.
BUT that is not the main reason for doing it. Evangelism is the spin off from this exercise.
My purpose in getting us doing this is for our benefit.
To put mettle and courage into us. To get us talking about the gospel.
How many non Christians have you directly shared the gospel with in the last month? Few I imagine. (NO GUILT ALLOWED!). SO how are you getting experience in presenting the cross to people. How are you developing your ability to think gospelly on your feet with your friends and introduce them to Jesus? This exercise is to give you that needed experience and training and to boost your confidence in the gospel and that God can use you! It can help make you one of God's RFA's (Ready For Anything).
We'll do it for a short time. Then we'll have a hot chocolate together (on me) and share our experiences.
I promise you won't regret having made the effort.
If fear is the only thing stopping you, I think you know what the gospel says to that!


FaithChristine said...

wow...out of the box there, stov! Can I come? Maybe I'll just try to do a copy-cat on this side of the pond.

becci brown said...

ah, i wanna be part and involved of TCH!

hope u get lots of folk getting metal in their bones :)

Stov said...

Well, we're here. No one has banned you from coming as far as I know...

the word is "mettle" !

Thx for ur good wishes for us sis

Ant said...

good perspective on 'why' you're doing it. thanks. which leaflets did you use?

Stov said...

Varied Rog Carswell ones.