Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What does it mean to follow Christ here in Shanghai? I'm still learning. I want to say: 'the same as it does anywhere else', and yet there are issues here that seem so different than back home. It seems 'just surviving' is a big theme. Energy and time and resources are spent on just keeping one's head above water. But then it does seem an excuse sometimes (as someone admitted tonight) an excuse not to spend time with God's people and leave the bible you were given by those eager Christians back in UK, on the shelf.

There's no doubt we have it easy in UK. So much is available. We have much more opportunity to meet up with Christians. Free time abounds. And in our comfort, maybe we have sold short many of our returnees. Maybe we have pampered them too much. Spoon-fed them and imparted a gospel with just enough 'cross' to make it 'evangelical'. I think I'm going to be less cosy in my discipling hereonin. To them as well as the average Brit.
Suffering is definitely a theme God is bringing before me of late. Thanks Faith for your challenging paper on Brother Yun- a Chinese brother who embraced suffering for the gospel's sake.
She writes:

In our culture, we are fed daily with ideals that lead us to want more and to strive for comfort. And we have so much around us to provide comfort and "feel good" experiences. We emphasize our rights and our needs and are unhappy if things aren't exactly how we'd want them; in other words, we're unhappy if we're not comfortable, and we bend a majority of our thoughts toward securing our comfort.

It's horribly true. We can't bear being uncomfortable. Before I judge any of my brothers and sisters here, I need to look at me. Whether we're a frantic Chinese returnee trying to hold it all together and please family and peers, or a chilled out Brit who enjoys the privilege of maybe too much time hanging with brothers without much gospel intention, Jesus' words strike hard and true:

"If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it..."

Seth, if you're reading this son (and I hope you are!) that funky orange T shirt that I gave you with 'LOSER -Mark 8:35' on it... it is the most non-trendy thing out. Jesus wants us to really do that. And it's not popular or easy. Following Jesus is more than words. Please never forget that. (And remind me often).

A lovely Hot Pot the other side of the city with J&R and son tonight. They need someone to come alongside them and teach them afresh. They know L & W but hardly ever see them. I left them with the idea of regular meal nights (Hot Pots are ideal as they're so relaxed, fun and communal) where they could get together and gospel one another intentionally. A start. (A very good start with great precedent- Luke 5:29). Pray the idea will sink in and attract. "TCH Hot Pot"?!

This is getting long...so nighty night from me.

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