Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Teaching through Daniel. This Sunday was ch. 1.

Why should Daniel bother staying faithful?
I think the natural response would be to jack it all in... Everything's gone totally Pete Tong (wrong!). God has been utterly humiliated. The removal of the sacred objects by King Neb to the temple of his god was a clear sign that the God of Judah was impotent and helpless before the might of Babylon and their gods. Or so it seemed.
Actually, God is behind it all. He is sovereign. Throughout the chapter, and the book, HE is controlling all events. Exactly as he wants. God gave Jehoichim into Neb's hands (1v2). He is intervening throughout (v9, v17). His judgement against Judah is not arbitrary (it was clearly predicted in Deut 28 and was only to last 70 years- Jer 25:11-12).
Daniel was a symbol to all Israel of God’s continuing love. In the darkness of God's anger there was yet a glimmer of light. Even in our rebellion God loves us and His desire in punishment is to turn our hearts to return and love Him.
Daniel does stand firm. His resolve and that of his friends is wonderfully striking.

v8 Who does Daniel fear?
v10 Who does the chief official fear?

Isn't that the key? Daniel fears no man, only the sovereign, judging but ultimately merciful, promise-keeping God. That's the secret of his faithfulness. That's how he can stand in such a hostile environment.

What do I need?
What/who controls me?
In what do I trust?

The chief official obviously needed his job, his security, his head! (v10)
Daniel needs only God and his smile.
The chief official is controlled therefore by what the king thinks and therefore fears the king inordinately.
How much of life do we find the opinions of others controlling, even crushing us. We need their approval, their acceptance, their friendship. We need to belong and so we find ourselves controlled by others rather than the Lord. Our trust is in people and not God. We fear man rather than God.
Ed Welch has said it well:
What we need controls us, that which controls us is the object of our fear and trust.

It was fun this Saturday in London to pop into an exhibition at the British Library about Hans Christian Andersen. What a 'controlled' man he was. Desperate for recognition, security and belonging (his 'Ugly Duckling' story was potently autobiographical) he creeped and fawned to people like Charles Dickens, outstaying his welcome by several weeks! His visit to Jacob Grimm (Brothers Grimm) started and ended in embarrassment as Grimm had to declare he had no idea who he was! Fearful of being trapped in a house fire, Andersen would carry a nine foot rope around with him wherever he went!
Enslavement is our lot when we are trusting and fearing people or things other than God. The gospel so liberates! Hallelujah!!

So why should Daniel stay faithful?
Because God is sovereign. He is working out his perfect purpose. God is merciful to his people and judgement will eventually fall on his enemies. He will keep his promise. The future will show he is the King over all the nations and will bring his people into their inheritance.
Daniel is faithful precisely because God is faithful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A real refreshing and much needed word on Daniel. A great uplift to a day to realise afresh that God is in control.Hallelujah

Keep up the good work in Sheffield, my prayers are with you and I look forward to reading more from you in the days that lie ahead.