Monday, August 30, 2010

I have a shelter

Ryan and Levan built a very cool shelter in Padley Gorge. We sat in it as the rain came and thought about the greatest of Shelters.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hit me...chop me

You may remember a posting way back where I invited you to keep the gospel before me and to hit me with your gospel stick.

I still mean it.

In fact, maybe I need Butch Yelton's method:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

knockin' on heaven's door

Latest voxpop for Summer in the City

Thursday, June 05, 2008

No thanks to Windows Movie Maker

I don't know why I keep using it. It is pants. More crashes than an evening at the stock car track. But finally, it helped me come up with this for our upcoming Summer in the City.

Monday, June 02, 2008

New church beginning

My bro Ant Adams in Derby has at last answered the call.
(Did you realise my recurring Farside cartoon was aimed at you all this time, bro !? That's you on the sofa and Emma urging you on).

I am very very excited for them and the Urban Life Team.

Sam, Fi and I from TCH went down to spend a lovely and evening with them recently. I came back really inspired as they make their first tentative steps to plant a household congregation in Normanton, Derby- a very similar area to our beloved Sharrow. (A report notes that "There are 27,200 people who live in Normanton and the area contains over 50% of Derby’s minority ethnic community. Normanton is the one of Derby’s areas for regeneration as agreed by Derby City Partnership. There is a range of social and economic problems...").

Sounds perfect for church planting!

Please pray for these brave soldiers of Christ.

Blessings guys. Lots of big ones!

appreciating communal prayer

We're praying more in The Edge Network.
One aspect that I appreciated today was that it encourages me to be less individualistic about MY ministry and opens my viewpoint wider to see I am part of a family, a body, a team and we are ministering together. Communal prayer has that effect. I like that.